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The Westley Richards 12g Super Magnum Explora.

Whilst in Dallas this past weekend for the Dallas Safari Club Chapter convention, Tony Makris the host of Outdoor Channels Under Wild Skies kindly gave me some photos showing his success using a Super Magnum Explora in Africa this past year. It is nice to see that the gun that I used to title this blog does so well what it was designed to do, despatching in this instance both birds and buffalo from the same gun.

Super Magnum Explora Ovundo

Tony used modern ammunition which was loaded for him by author and collector Ross Seyfried. Ross is no doubt 'THE' authority on this model of gun and over the years has worked up a superb load to suit both the regular and Super Magnum Explora. Ross I know  has also shot Elk and Duck from his Explora gun in the same day but I have lost that photo!

Explora Super Mag

Super Magnum ExploraTony Makris out in the bush with his Westley Richards Super Magnum Explora. 



  • James de Penning on January 22, 2015 at 3:57 am

    Any likelihood of WR offering the Super Magnum Explora and appropriate factory loaded ammunition again? Hope the US tour is going well? God speed.

    • Simon Clode on January 22, 2015 at 3:11 pm

      James I think it 'unlikely'. The gun itself is not too hard to achieve but the ammunition production would be very hard and costly. It would only be right to copy the LT capped version and with low volumes of production this would be hard to achieve at a commercial rate.

  • Vance Daigle on January 22, 2015 at 4:26 pm

    Morning Guys and Gals:
    I would like to take a moment of your time and share my experience with all of you. Last weekend I was able to pick up my new Westley Double Rifle in .470 at the Dallas Safari Show....WOW!!!!! I also placed an order for a new 28 gauge shotgun...they are spectacular.
    I am writing this because I want to express just how wonderful an experience it was. Not only did Westley Richards have the nicest guns at the show in my far. The personal attention from Simon and Trigger was over the top!!! What a pleasure it was. For anyone out there thinking about purchasing a gun these Boys are tops in my book!!!

    P.S. Simon your Humbleness and Willingness to share your knowledge at our dinner together was a breath of fresh air...Thank you Sir for everything!

    In Christ

    • James de Penning on January 23, 2015 at 10:40 am

      I'll second that Vance. They're all definitely Gentlemen of the old school. I visited WR in Birmingham last year to have them look at my 1906 Droplock 12 bore Gold Name. Sadly no double rifle ordered as I'm a man of modest means, but did order one of their classic take downs in .30-06. What a pleasure it was, and I can't recommend highly enough a visit to their wonderful factory. Whether you're buying something or not you'll be looked after like their best customer, a truly rare experience in this day and age.

      Many many thanks to all at WR. A pleasure 'doing business' with you if one can even call it that.


      p.s. keep up the great work on the blog, a real pleasure for us all, especially with the excellent photos. That S2 is paying for itself in spades I'd say!

  • Ned Cowell on April 22, 2015 at 4:52 pm

    Dear Sir,

    On the subject of the ammunition - I note that the old advertisement illustrated in another post on the Explora offers cartridges loaded either with LT capped bullets, or with bluff lead bullets. Could these types have been used interchangeably in the same gun? Supposing that both bullet types were the same weight and launched at the same speed (ie. same internal ballistics and therefore possibly (???) no implications for the regulation of the barrels), surely the blunt lead bullet would have had a steeper trajectory which would at least have required the leaf sights to be set up differently from those on a gun intended to be used with the capped bullets.

    I should declare that I do not own an Explora, and so this is merely idle curiosity (for the time being!). But I would be very grateful if you would indulge me!

    Kind regards


    • Simon Clode on April 23, 2015 at 1:21 pm

      I think very much the same as when regulating new rifles, with different makes and shapes of ammunition available, we regulate for a single specified type for maximum accuracy. Other makes of the same calibre ammunition, if same weight bullet and velocity will most probably be in "the ball park" some no doubt better than others. The velocity plays a significant part. I am sure if we had the ammunition for an Explora available we would find as you have described, the rifle would shoot better for one than other.
      Unfortunately we have never discovered a "mother lode" of original Explora ammunition so no tests can be done and also to reproduce the hollow LT capped bullet is cost prohibitive.

      • Ned Cowell on April 25, 2015 at 9:24 am

        Thank you very much for taking the time to reply to my query Mr Clode. I find these sorts of technical consideration absolutely fascinating. It is a shame that the prospect of you re-introducing the Explora and associated ammunition is pretty much nil, but I can quite see the point about the economic reasons for it. Many thanks again for your time. Ned

  • Cliff on August 17, 2021 at 1:28 am

    Can anyone provide a diagram with measurements for the Bluff Head Solid Lead Bullet (weight of 730 grains) that WR recommended for its Explora at a 50-75 yrd range?

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