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The Explora requests a Little Help!

For a number of personal reasons recently, I have been unable to keep up with a regular post update to The Explora, I am sure the regular visitors have noticed! This quite frankly annoys me and so I feel the best action is to own up and ask for some help!


I know that many of the readers have very interesting stories to tell and information to share and I hope that you will take this opportunity to help me keep the blog up to date and interesting for the readers at this difficult time for me.

I am not sure why I put Great Bloggers on the photo above but cannot change it, I mean actually any Guest Writer or storyteller!


Stories of travel, places and great destinations that have been experienced would I know be of interest to the readers. Reflections on hunting trips and shooting destinations that people have fond memories of and feel people should try. Anything about the use of the guns we enjoy in the field.


There are the technical people, those who have knowledge of strange guns and obscure developments in the history of the making of fine guns. Please share your knowledge, you may be a gunmaker or engraver or associated with our trade and share some of the skills needed to put the finished best gun in its case. There is a wealth of subjects here so please share your personal expertise.


As a small gift of appreciation I will send a personally signed copy of our new book thanking each individual person for the post or posts they supply to help me at this time.

We have a very large library of photographs and we will illustrate any post to the very best of our ability as we do with all our posts, we will even take specific photographs as needed to help illustrate a point as needed.

Thank you very much in advance for sharing with me and the rest of the visitors your words!


Please send any submissions to me direct


  • Matthew Schmidt on April 8, 2016 at 10:26 pm

    Simon, that sounds like a great idea as one of the problems with great blogs is that everybody constantly checks for new entries, I know I check this one twice a day. The problem is that your photos are so eye wateringly good and the guns and the locations so beautiful that we all want to see more all the time. I am sure that there would be lots of people willing to contribute, me included, however for some of the posts I would have to supply my own photos as there would be nothing in your archive that would match the text. I am sure that would be a similar situation for other members too. Would you be happy with this.

    Keen to help, Matt Schmidt.

    • Simon Clode on April 9, 2016 at 12:38 am

      Yes, of course! Overall I will do my very best to maintain the level of quality that we have set down and that the visitors expect. My offer of help with the photographs is there to assist anyone who may not have anything to illustrate their stories or thoughts. We have an extensive collection here of many makers guns, many of which have yet to make it in front of the camera! Our workshops are also here to take things apart and show relevant details etc.

      Thank you for your offer!

  • Miles Gilbert on April 9, 2016 at 12:44 am

    Mr. Clode,
    I would be very pleased for you to use some or all of my article "Who Made This, Westley Richards?" that is in the Winter 2015 Double Gun and Single Shot Journal. If permission is needed from Daniel and Joanna Cote' I'll ask for it. As an advertiser in that lovely journal, surely you are also a subscriber and have ready access to the article?
    Looking forward to hearing from you.
    Very best regards,
    Miles Gilbert

  • Peter Loam on April 9, 2016 at 10:13 pm

    Dear Mr. Clode,
    Alas, my writing abilities are well below that which we are used to in "The Explora" to fulfil your request for contributors. However please accept my thanks and admiration for what is arguably easily the best "Blog" from any maker, guns or otherwise. The articles on whatever subject you choose are always interesting and relevant whether they are technical or historical, and as for the photography, well that's in a class all of it's own. Absolutely Superb!!
    I do hope that whatever reasons preventing you from "normal service" resolve themselves happily and I'm sure all the avid readers of "The Explora" will join me in wishing you "All the Best"

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