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Wednesday in the Westley Richards Workshops

For the past few days when I have walked past the bench of apprentice newcomer Sam, I have asked "is it square yet?" referring to the block of steel he has been assigned to file into a perfectly flat and right angled block. "not yet Sir"!  When I was sorting these photos I noticed the huge banana like file he was using and asked 'does he know he has a file like a banana?" I was quickly told that 'selected file' was part of the problem he had been set, learning to concentrate and use the file properly, a perfectly flat sharp file would be too easy! I wish him luck, once he has got it square he will have to turn it into a ball.

Westley Richards, Craftsmen, gunmakers

Westley Richards, Gunmaker, apprentice, craftsman

Elsewhere around the workshops the lads are all busy and with their heads down!

Westley Richards, Craftsmen, gunmakers

Westley Richards, Craftsmen, gunmakers

Westley Richards, Craftsmen, gunmakers

Westley Richards, Craftsmen, gunmakers

Westley Richards, Craftsman, gunmaker

Westley Richards, Craftsmen, gunmakers

Westley Richards, Craftsmen, gunmakers

Westley Richards, Craftsmen, gunmakers

Westley Richards, Craftsmen, gunmakers

Westley Richards, Craftsmen, gunmakers

Westley Richards, Craftsmen, gunmakers


  • tim wilkes on May 14, 2015 at 4:34 am

    Wonderful set of photographs, thank you Simon.

    I wonder, does Sam read this blog? He may find it helpful!

    Good luck to him; it would be beyond me to file a true square, excellent tools or not.

    • Simon Clode on May 14, 2015 at 6:43 am

      I think they probably do!!

  • Vance Daigle on May 14, 2015 at 6:57 am

    Great Morning Guys and Gals,

    My hats off to you all for the wonderful work you are doing.... it is because of you guys....Westley is the Best out there!!!
    Looking at everyone hard at work, it is nice to see what the future holds for us gun enthusiast. Congratulation to the entire team at Westley....job well done!!!!

    In Christ

  • Neill on May 14, 2015 at 7:14 am

    Fascinating stuff Simon, thanks for the pictures, they remind me of my own apprenticeship and the workshops at Hackney Technical College, though as I recall when filing a block square I was at least allowed a flat file! Perhaps that explains why I'm now a Mechanical Engineer who now drives a desk rather than a bench. It is really good to see people still learning craft skills and knowing there are employers like you who are prepared to invest in their training, good luck to Sam and his colleagues.

  • Ross Cowell on May 14, 2015 at 10:45 am

    What a reaffirming, and inspiring blog entry!
    I'm sure it will cause many others to reflect back to their apprentice days (for me, marine engineering at the Canadian Coast Guard College in the mid 70's), and being given seemingly insurmountable tasks to complete by hand, using a cold chisel and a file...
    All meant to build skill, character and confidence by taking pride in ones work. Our motto at the time was, "The world belongs to those of us willing to get our hands dirty." That attitude served us well, and I do hope it will serve these young gentlemen just as well, during their careers.
    Bravo Zulu!

  • In need of advise and tips - Page 2 on June 15, 2015 at 1:15 pm

    […] new member, Sam- and some of his mates- at Westley Richards- __________________ What we have here is... failure- to […]

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