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The Hammer for the new gun 'Piggy Bank'

On my recent trip to USA I was fortunate to meet some very nice people and take some very nice orders for new guns. One of the customers having received his quotation and deposit statement responded with "I need to find a hammer to break open the piggy bank", a feeling I quite understand.

Westley Richards, apprentice, hammer

To assist, I had one of our apprentices make a small hammer with which to break open the said piggy bank. Hand filed and hardened, stocked with best walnut and with a buffalo horn handle end. A very nice job..... I hope it works!!

As a footnote, no, we will not be making these as I was shocked how many hours it took even at apprentice rates!!


  • Vance Daigle on June 2, 2015 at 2:25 pm


    May I borrow that hammer after the gentlemen you made it for is finished. I will forward it to the next customer on the list after destroying my Mr. Piggy....this is certainly a proper tool for the job....A BEST HAMMER!!!!!!

    In Christ

  • tim wilkes on June 3, 2015 at 2:40 am

    All it needs is some English scroll engraving on the squared off central section!

    Looks a damn fine instrument; one has the impression it's weight and feel are just right.


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