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First Of The .410 & 28g Droplock Combination Pairs

A few years ago a group of shooting friends decided to place three similar orders with us for a combination pair of guns comprising a .410 and a 28g droplock.  Whilst they all agreed on the same gauge combination, other elements of the guns would become far more personal.

WR 28G & 410 Droplock Shotgun

WR 28G & 410 Droplock Shotgun_2

The two most obvious distinctions which you are going to seeing other the next few weeks are the style of engraving and the figuring of the wood.  Take for instance this first pair of guns that we have just completed.

The engraving has been executed by Frederique Lepinois whose work you are now familiar with from this blog.  She has her own distinctive style which to our mind falls into the modern 'Italian', naturally a product of where she is based.  This work comprises beautiful elaborate scrolls with fine game scenes wrapped in ornamental borders.  There is always a delicate nature to this Italian style and it works really well with these small frame guns.

WR 28G & 410 Droplock Shotgun_3

The wood on this pair is naturally rich in colour and has that fabulous contrast that we so often like to see here at the factory.  It has always been our goal to provide our clients with the very best selection of wood from which to make their choice.  Lets face it, we only build around 35 guns and rifles a year so we had best make each one very special.  What better starting point than a fabulous piece of wood!

As the other guns come through, you will see just how diverse peoples taste can be which is why building bespoke guns and rifles is so much fun.


  • Neil McVeigh on January 1, 2017 at 5:41 am

    Trigger fantastic looking guns.Simon will be proud that the continuation of excellence
    goes on notwithstanding his absence.There will be no greater testimony to his memory than the pursuit of the best gun that can be made under your guidance.Happy new year to everybody .Let us hope we will have a lot to hope for in this new year.

    • Trigger on January 1, 2017 at 5:45 am

      Dear Neil

      Many thanks indeed for your kind words. We all have every intention of continuing Simon's great legacy here at Westley Richards. Please excuse if we are a little tardy on the blog in the next couple of weeks but both Ricky & myself will be on the show circuit. Once back at base we have lots of guns and rifles to keep you all enthused.

      Thank you for all of your support.

      Happy New Year


  • Larry on January 1, 2017 at 7:25 am

    Great looking guns. The wood has always been an aspect that I've held near to my heart. There's something about the natural warmth that it can provide! (no pun intended) Well done and keep on it!

  • Vance Daigle on January 2, 2017 at 10:21 am

    Good Day Trigger,

    Very nice pair of guns trigger, congrats to the lucky owner. It feels really good to open up the Eplora and see a new pair of guns today. A good way to start off this New Year.... for certain. There is but one absolute in everyone's life, and that is change. While Westley Richards may be going through another of many changes in it's 200 plus year history at the moment. I know the team that Simon put together and it's the very best of the best, just like the guns!! I look forward to having my morning coffee and seeing many more stories and gun's on the Explora!!!!! Be well and God Speed to the entire Westley Richards Team.

    In Christ

  • Djamel on January 2, 2017 at 1:51 pm

    I see that tradition continues, Simon would be happy. Bravo Trigger.

    • Trigger on January 2, 2017 at 2:29 pm

      We will all certainly continue the tradition. More blog posts will follow shortly with some great guns new and old to see.

      Best regards


  • Chris A. on January 3, 2017 at 4:10 am

    Dear Trigger,
    Happy New Year to you all.
    Simon will be proud for your excellent work,this majestic pair is a tribute to him.
    Congratulations to W.R. team and to Fraderique Lepinois for the perfect work.

  • Peter Buckley. on January 3, 2017 at 8:28 am


    I wholeheartedly agree with you, "what better starting point than a fabulous piece of wood"!

    When viewing a rack full of guns my eyes are always drawn firstly to the one with the best timber, with timber like your customer has chosen I would have no real need to look any further.

    Fabulous pair of shotguns, the owner will be so proud shooting these stunning guns.
    I am presuming the customer will perhaps be shooting over 'Pointing dogs' guessing by the calibre's ordered and the type of engraving on the lock cover plates, beautiful engraving, I am making another presumption that the guns will weigh about 6lbs?
    Please feel free to correct me on any of my guesses.

    I feel I must say that I have found it somewhat difficult lately opening ' The Explora ' for obvious reasons, but life does go on.

    Thank you Trigger for continuing the 'Blog' with new posts, looking forward to hear from some of your colleagues!
    Keep on with the great work you are doing for 'Westley Richards' producing only the best of the best!!

    Best Regards. Peter.

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