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The Shows Begin!

Firstly we would like to apologise for the delay with our blog posts, but as you will appreciate we have been super busy preparing for the show circuit and were air bound as soon as January hit.  The Dallas Safari Convention is the first of our regular shows and this year was filled with the buzz of a new US President.

WR Stand at Dallas Safari Club

Holland & Holland Stand at Dallas Safari Club

There was unquestionably a 'feel good' factor that was certainly reflected in the interest in both new guns and pre-owned.  The safari and general hunting outfitters were noticing an upturn in interest particularly for the 2018 season which is fantastic news all round.  Dallas itself is a great venue which sees growth year on year without getting so huge that you cannot get around it all in a couple of easy days.

From our own point of view it was great to catch up with clients old and new.  Many came to see us in person to express their condolences at the passing of Simon last year, but to a man they were all as excited as us about the future of Westley Richards.  Simon's legacy here will continue unabated.  There are a lot of new young clients coming into the best gun making sector and it is unquestionably in all of our interests to make sure that they are looked after properly.  Whether you are selling guns or hunts the reality is that we are all selling 'fun' and this should never be forgotten.


The English gun and rifle makers were certainly out in force although as one good friend said 'one of London's best is suspiciously absent!'  Whilst it is a great opportunity for perspective clients to see all the fine guns and rifles offered by the English Gun Trade, it is also a nice time for all of us makers to catch up and encourage (rather ridicule!) one another so that we all keep pushing the boundary's of best gun and rifle making.


The next show on the circuit is the Las Vegas Antique Arms followed by Safari Club International.  We will of course be attending both of these and very much look forward to catching up with those who can make it.  In the meantime we will have some great new posts to keep you all enthused.

LRM_EXPORT_20170107_113657We would like to thank Larry Blunk for taking the photos that accompany this post.


  • Vance Daigle on January 10, 2017 at 12:23 pm

    Good Day Trigger,

    While Simon will be missed by many people, especially those who's lives he had touched. I was very impressed by the Westley Ricahrds team in Dallas, LD McCaa, Ricky Bonds and you Trigger carried the tourch extremely well. I hate to say this about the WR booth but it may have been better serviced by you three than in some years past... in my humble opinion. There was a great feel of excitment with the team, as to where the WR firm will be going into the future. I certainly look forward to observing and hopefully particiating with a purchase of a gun or two in the future.

    PS: I think that some of those competing firms might have been hoping for a bit of a let down in the WR operations. Well guys look out, as I think the WR team has as much tenacity now as they ever have!!! Be well and God Speed WR!!!!!

    In Christ

    • Trigger on January 10, 2017 at 12:31 pm

      Hi Vance

      Very generous words indeed! All of us at WR are very excited with the future prospects of the company and intend carrying the company forward as Simon would expect.

      Best regards


    • Rex on January 10, 2017 at 3:08 pm

      Well said, Vance!

  • Liz And Bill Jones on January 10, 2017 at 8:58 pm

    Dear Trigger,
    It was great to see you in Dallas! Always so many happy memories and lots of jests and fun!
    We greatly miss Simon, and the two of you together "The Odd Couple"!

    Thank goodness for Simon Colde's unsurpassed standards, knowledge and impeccable taste. He reset standards in your trade. Simon's standards will continue. Simon also had the insight to hand pick and train capable people to carry on.

    Trigger, your excitement, enthusiasm and vision for Wesley Richards future is contagious!! It iwas refreshing and ressuraging to visit with you. We can't wait to see the surprises yet to come.
    Look forward to seeing you in Las Vegas.
    Look forward to future memories to add to our past.
    Liz and Bill

    • Trigger on January 11, 2017 at 1:59 am

      Dear Liz & Bill

      It was great catching up with you both and thank you for all of your support. We certainly have every intention of maintaining Simon's standards and beyond. Looking forward to catching up in Las Vegas.

      Best regards


  • Gary Duffey on January 11, 2017 at 6:41 am

    As I spent time at the WR stand at DSC, it was heart warming to see a literal parade of folks continuing to offer their condolences. I heard many express their confidence in the whole team. Simon's finest work is yet to be accomplished through the "legacy" team he has assembled and prepared for the future I believe. The comment you made in the post, "one of London’s best is suspiciously absent!’ that is so eerily Simon. The best is yet to come!

    • Larry on January 11, 2017 at 11:05 am

      Well one could say that perhaps he left his influence on some of us!

  • David Hodo on January 14, 2017 at 12:31 pm

    It was good to finally meet you at DSC. Have known L.D. and his dad for around 4 years and met Ricky last October. Thanks for posting the pics from the show. I was there for two days and didn't even know that William Evans was there until your post. Actually saw the young man in the photo that sold me a gun back in October. Good luck to WR and all of the employees for the future! Will see you next year!

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