By examining the details on the vintage bag, our leather department has been able to recreate a new version of the bag with the same look, feel and function. Faithful to the original bag, the materials used are our house waxed cotton, our classic brass fittings; and hand-woven hemp netting from the fishing town of Bridport in Dorset.
A classic and versatile bag, which would be at home on a variety of different hunts. May many a pheasant, grouse, quail or bottle of whiskey grace its pocket. This is now available to purchase on our website here.
Peter Buckley. on May 5, 2017 at 3:19 am
What a faithful recreation of a traditional style game bag of Westley's past.
It seems strange that we British love 'tradition' and don't seem to want to change, but why change items that have stood the test of time and using traditional materials these bags will go on to be the next generation's air looms.
As with the guns that Westley Richards build, over the generations improvements have been made but as we have seen on "The Explora" tradition prevails and we love to be reminded with classics from the 'past'and 'present'.
Quality game bag!
Thanks Trigger.
Best wishes. Peter.