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The Double Gun Journal - Daniel Côté, a rare sighting!

Ever since starting the Double Gun Journal in 1989, Daniel Côté has not attended any shooting event or exhibition to promote his magazine, his attendance at the Southern side by side championship in Sanford last week was a first for him, and I was very pleased that for his first show I found him occupying the booth next  to my stand.

Dan Cote, Double Gun Journal,

For 25 years I have conversed with Daniel by phone, negotiating advertising and pitching articles but I had never never met him, so it was with great pleasure that I did so at the show. Daniel is a quiet, reserved and creative man who has single handedly produced and edited the highest standard magazine on double gun shooting there is on the market today. I enjoyed the meeting very much and the three days of company he provided during the wet days of the show.

A significant point I noticed at the show was that Shooting Sportsman, Sporting Classics and Covey Rise were all giving away copies of their magazines, not so Daniel with his Double Gun Journal,  people were queueing up to buy and subscribe, not only the current issue but all the back issues at anything up to $87 which was for the very first issue, an issue that was put together and bound by hand at his kitchen table in 1989. I think this alone affirms the popularity of the magazine, one which remains a publication of the highest  quality and one which rightly commands the respect of the shooting fraternity.

Double Gun Journal, Westley Richards, The very first issue of Double Gun Journal from Winter 1989.

Double Gun Journal, Westley Richards,A recent issue which shows the addition of single shot.

For those of you unfamiliar with the magazine, I highly recommend you try it. The Double Gun Journal.


  • neil mcveigh on May 7, 2015 at 6:41 am

    Absolutely endorse your comments Simon.
    I have been a subscriber since 1994/5.Its the only shooting publication that I always get a thrill from opening,you never know what will be in it,but its all great. Every lover of double guns that isn't a subscriber is missing out!

  • Dean Romig on May 13, 2015 at 10:59 am

    I agree with your comments and praise of Daniel but I would argue with your statement that he has done it all "single handedly". Even Dan will admit that he could never have done it all without Joanna's very able proof reading and editing, to say nothing of all of the other tasks she performs for Double Gun Journal.

    • Simon Clode on May 13, 2015 at 1:17 pm

      Point taken and I am sure you are 100% correct!


  • Toby Barclay on May 15, 2015 at 2:51 pm

    I did not know the significance of Daniel's presence until after the show was done and we were packing up!
    I only spoke to him briefly when he expressed an interested in my Damascus bodied snapcaps but he was obviously a charming and well informed person.
    I spend my time at these shows pinching myself when I look around and realise I am surrounded by Very Significant People in the international gun trade, including yourself Simon, and I sometimes wonder how on earth I got to be there!

    • Simon Clode on May 15, 2015 at 5:51 pm

      Thank you and I was both amazed and impressed to see how you were so polite and so patient with so many people asking you endless questions. I am certain many people left your stand very well informed and having learned something new about the guns and rifles we play with everyday! Hopefully some of them took their billfold out!!

  • Dr. Fred Stutzenberger on October 7, 2016 at 12:33 pm

    When may we expect DGJ Autumn 2016?
    Thank you.

    • Simon Clode on October 7, 2016 at 12:45 pm

      I am afraid I have no idea, you need to contact them direct.

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