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Something A Little Different!

Earlier this month we posted a composed pair of droplock shotguns consisting of a .410 & 28g.  These were the first of three pairs with the others following in the coming months.  Well to add a little variation to the mix and obviously not complete yet, we thought to share the images of the last pair on return from the engraver.

WR Pair Engraving 410 & 28g

WR Pair Engraving 410 & 28g 2

As you can see they really do vary from the norm!  Whilst the client is no big game hunter he thought the subjects an interesting alternative to the more conventional scroll and bird game scenes you might expect to find on such guns.  Here at the factory the normally conservative gunmakers thought the engraving an interesting variation on a theme although they were concerned how a .410 might perform on a buffalo!

Regardless of anyones liking for the subject on these shotguns (and yes we can hear the groans from the traditionalists), the work has been beautifully executed and certainly after hardening, brushing and finishing the completed guns should look beautiful and undoubtedly make for interesting conversation pieces!

WR Pair Engraving 410 & 28g 3



  • steven nash on January 26, 2017 at 4:07 am

    Stunning Trigger, and I look forward to the first .500 double with a variety of game bird scenes!

  • Peter Buckley. on January 26, 2017 at 5:45 am

    Dear Trigger

    Most certainly unconventional subject matter for a brace of small bore shotguns, but what conversational statements they make, they certainly brought a grin to my face, well done that person for your choice they will create reaction from all corners!

    Whether you are a traditionalist or not it's fabulous engraving just the same!

    Can't wait to see them complete with I imagine stunning timber.

    Regards. Peter.

  • Vance Daigle on January 26, 2017 at 7:44 am

    Good Day Trigger,

    Engraving is just one of the highlights when ordering a Bespoke gun from Westley Richards. Everyone of us gun nuts out there have a different idea about what should be on a certain gun. But he who purchases the privalage can get whatever there heart desires, weather it makes any sense or not. The only guide line I can think of is what Westley Richards feels should not be on one of there materpieces, as to very bad taste. So congrat to the person who has this gun coming to them in a short while...This Bud's for you!!!

    Many times in my conversations with Simon he would recommend for me to be out the box with engraving, it's those guns that are remembered most.

    In Christ

  • Neill on January 27, 2017 at 12:08 pm

    No groans from me, this is quality work as always.

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