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Lights for the Trophy Room Side Table.

What do you get the man who has everything? The bases of these side table lights are the remains of the steel billet from which we take the action machining for our guns and rifles. Each lamp is different and may be a small one for a .410 gun or a large one for a .577 rifle. It seemed a shame to just throw these away and they make a interesting talking point as you sit and sip your scotch. If they admire the lamp perhaps you can show them what you had made with the middle part?!

These Unique lamps are hand made to order from £500.00 each.


  • Rajiv Kapoor on November 26, 2014 at 3:12 am

    These are very beautiful. They have a Japanese aesthetic, where are they made and what are the materials used?

    • Simon Clode on November 26, 2014 at 5:43 am

      These are made with the steel we use to make the gun actions, this is the base block. Then there is small steel angle and brass gauze that make the light enclosure. Made in England close by to our factory.

      • Rajiv Kapoor on November 26, 2014 at 2:41 pm

        Thanks, Simon. What is the lamp shade made of?

  • Gary Duffey on November 26, 2014 at 7:17 am

    We know that a boxlock makes a superior lamp than the droplock! Perhaps you could limit the decorative lamp EDM spoils to .577 and the 4 bore pair could serve as lamp post! Gunmaking is green! Scrap barrels will go under lock and key. This is great.

  • Ali on November 28, 2014 at 9:21 pm

    Dear Westly Richards!:
    From the time I encountered your fabulous blog every time that I’m online first thing I do is going to it and reading and seeing about my most favorite guns in the world. It’s like I have discovered a new gun maker! I knew you before but with the information and nice high res pictures of WR I have got completely new perspective and really wonder why H&H is more famous than you?!!!!(I will be glad if you answer it)
    By the way I’ve noticed that you try to be more active in INSTAGRAMS than your blog while accessing to INSTAGRAMS is limited. Why Don’t you put these photos and their information in blog in high reso but not savable.
    I'm hot as HOT as past anymore although I enjoy you yet!

    • Simon Clode on November 30, 2014 at 4:20 am

      Thank you. We are active in Instagram, we post 3 pictures daily and this is a relatively quick procedure. The blog however takes more time and we do as much as possible. Sometimes, if I am travelling there is a break!

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