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Everyone on our stand at Las Vegas Safari Club this year was enchanted by the enthusiasm and knowledge of young Ian Holehan, son of custom rifle maker Patrick L. Holehan. Ian was a frequent visitor to our stand which he describes in an email to me today as "it was the funnest, holding and seeing all those amazing guns, everyone I met on your booth was so kind and welcoming"

Ian Holehan

Ian Holehan 2

Ian was entertained and shown guns by collectors Ron Holden and John Ying, educated in some finer details of guns and gunmaking by author Ross Seyfried and NRA director Lance Olson amongst a host of others who were taken in by his youthful enthusiasm.

I think all of us involved in this business enjoy seeing such enthusiasm in the next generation and I hope I have been, at his request, the first to send over to Ian in USA details of our apprenticeship scheme at Westley Richards!



  • paul j. antonino on March 1, 2014 at 6:52 pm

    i guess that solves the wilkins bolt rifle question!!!!....i knew they were nicely made guns ....paul

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