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A Set of Three J. Purdey & Sons 12g Hammer Ejector Guns.

Quite unusual these, a set of 3 fully re-furbished 12g hammer ejector guns by J. Purdey & Sons. The work on these guns was done by J. Purdey and included new barrels, new stocks, and case colour hardening. They are in the condition of new guns and cased in a triple leather case with cover.

A set of 3 J Purdey Hamer Ejector 12g Guns.

I got these guns about 10 or so years ago, they were lying at the time in storage at Purdey's. The owner of the guns was going through a divorce and had asked Purdey to sell them for him, but they had done nothing about it. On his request, I went down to Purdey and asked to see the guns, Peter Blaine showed them to me along with a pair of Boss 16g side lever guns and a pair of Boss 20g  round action guns all owned by the same gentleman, my visit promptly reminded Blaine about the guns, "Oh, I really must do something about these"

I walked out onto South Audley Street, called the owner and gave him a price for the 7 guns, we haggled a bit and the offer was soon agreed and accepted. I walked back into the shop as he called, spoke to Blaine and released the guns to me, which they did, bemused!  I walked off with them, stolen, as it were, from right under their eyes!


  • neil mcveigh on February 2, 2015 at 7:14 am

    Simon,silly question really but I have to ask.Surely you could have sold these guns on a number of occasions either separately or together.Do you think they should be retained as a triplicate or sold individually(assuming the price is right)?I have a sentimental view about matched pairs etc.I believe they should be kept together rather than separated.
    Which probably explains why I am a useless retailer.

    • Simon Clode on February 2, 2015 at 3:02 pm

      I think they should definitely stay together as a triplicate, 100% for sure. I agree whole heartedly that it would be sacrilege to break the set up. I haven't actually tried to sell them, but, if I do it will be 3 or 0.

      I am quite sure I would be first to join you in the 'useless retailer' category also! We stocked your falling block with a plain piece of wood first to make sure it looks right and get the shape perfect. I will get 'useless manufacturer award also"! But the rifle will look great!

      • neil mcveigh on February 3, 2015 at 3:13 am

        Simon you're teasing me! Hope the show in Vegas is a great success for you and you're team.As I won't be there this year,perhaps an odd little posting on Explora will keep us informed.

  • Sami on February 3, 2015 at 5:08 pm

    Moral of the story; DON'T get married!

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