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A Beautiful 28 Bore Westley Richards Rose & Scroll Round Body Shotgun

It has been over 25 years since we last built a 28 bore sidelock shotgun and probably even longer still since we built a round bodied version. This particular gun has been a real labour of love here at the factory taking several years to get to the point you see before you. The majority of the gun has been built old school from forgings with many of the components made individually by hand as quite frankly we had no reference with which to work from!

Truth be told the gun has turned out beautiful and as it reaches completion we will obviously share further images with you. All credit must go to all of the gunmakers so far involved and also the engraver who has developed a beautiful take on the traditional rose and scroll engraving design. Cut delicately by hand this gun harks back to the pre-war days of gunmaking, yet demonstrates what can be achieved today.

  A modern take on a classic engraving pattern.

 A quail sits in raised gold on the top lever.

  It was decided to use Westley Richards signature 'Deeley' catch on this small bore gun. Previous sidelocks have used the 'Anson' push rod to secure the forend to the barrels.


  • Charlie on March 14, 2019 at 10:10 pm

    A magnificent 28 bore Best Quality round body shotgun!

    Congratulations to all craftsmen involved in making this fine weapon!

    I can't wait to see the shotgun once completed.

    • Trigger on March 15, 2019 at 9:28 am

      Thank you for your comment. Without question one of the finest traditional format sidelocks to be built in this factory. A real credit to all concerned, including a very patient client! Looking forward to showing it to you all on completion.

      Best regards


  • vance daigle on March 15, 2019 at 9:13 am


    I have been blessed to see many fine guns on the Explora site. I am not certain is any has stirred me as much as this gun!!!!! Brilliant

    In Christ

    • Trigger on March 15, 2019 at 9:26 am

      Hi Vance

      Many thanks for your kind comment. This is genuinely a once in a lifetime gun and as it reaches completion looks better by the day.

      Best regards


  • Peter Buckley. on March 15, 2019 at 11:40 am

    Hi Trigger

    Just how much do you think my ‘brain’ can comprehend when you keep hitting it with a constant sustained assault of “stunning hand crafted guns and rifles”, I’m in need of something completely different, (perhaps a look at the contents of your waste paper basket), please I’m almost at breaking point !

    Joviality aside, what an absolutely stunning round bodied little shotgun that is so near to completion, very traditionally built with the well chosen ‘Deeley’ catch instead of the ‘Anson’ push rod , when this diminutive sidelock has been complemented with the very best top grade timber what joy will be in store when next seen completed !

    You and the client must be so pleased with the “Westley Richards” craftsmen with what they have achieved along with the engravers ‘stunning results’, seems to have been a labour of love for all concerned, congratulations must go to all involved !

    Best regards


    • Trigger on March 15, 2019 at 12:07 pm

      Hi Peter

      More kind words, thank you. A very special little gun that should enjoy being in the quail plantations later this year.

      All the very best


  • Jeff Seim on March 20, 2019 at 11:05 am

    I can’t wait to see the completed work of art.
    Jeff S

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