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Some New Products Emerge from the Westley Richards Leather Shop.

It was many months ago now that I first posted about these tool rolls I found in Germany in 2015. It was in that post I laid down my intentions to reproduce the rolls authentically and here we are a year later and the job is finally completed! Why did it take so long I wonder?But considering the fabric has to be made, the correct buttons and buckles sourced and time has to be found to make it all up and perfect I suppose it is possible, or perhaps someone took their eye off the ball, most probably me! Anyway here finally is our version of the Safari tool roll which is shortly going to be available online. The roll can be filled with a variety of personal items, the stars holders adjust to hold various sizes making it pretty flexible. Here we show with a torch, leatherman and a set of cleaning tools.

Tool Roll & Bag (8 of 13)

Tool Roll & Bag (6 of 13)

Tool Roll & Bag (13 of 13)

Another product that I have always wanted to faithfully reproduce is my Fathers old fishing bag from the 1950's, one which I was handed down when he hung up his rods. This was made with a fine cloth with excellent zips and fittings but sadly I lost more flies through the holes than I did in the brush behind me on the riverbank, so it had to be retired. We have now sourced all the parts and made this version in our workshops and I myself am very pleased with the result. A classic bag but with the security given by the additional zip closures. I now just need to think of a name for it!

Tool Roll & Bag (8 of 14) Tool Roll & Bag (12 of 14)

The leather bag is one of the first prototypes of Ralph Lauren's Ricky bag which we developed in conjunction with their design team as an overnight bag for their Purple Label brand many years ago. The bag later developed into their signature handbag and remains available to this day.


  • steven nash on April 30, 2016 at 8:50 am

    It would seem entirely appropriate to name it after your father
    It looks a lovely bag and I would be grateful for the shop to forward one to me when they become available to buy

    • Simon Clode on April 30, 2016 at 2:14 pm

      Thank you Steven, he was the great Indian smuggler sort so I need to make a 'smugglers bag' in his name!


  • Nick on April 30, 2016 at 5:29 pm


    That fishing bag is absolutely stunning! I've always wanted to own a bag just like that, flexible enough to take almost anywhere. I can't wait to see it up in the store.


  • Larry on May 2, 2016 at 8:36 am

    As you know I've always been a fan of the leather work your shop produces and these are no exception! Let me know when your father's bag is available so I can order one!

    I read a story a while back about the Vendace (I believe that's the spelling) fish in England. Apparently it had quite a rough life, nearly extinct, and was recently found again in northern england - and better than ever! Quite similar to your father's bag!

  • Alexander Jones on May 2, 2016 at 11:41 am


    Lovely work from the leather shop once again, and as always it's refreshing to see kit where the primary design consideration is being fit for 'sporting' purpose, not mincing
    (Although they are pretty).

    You should consider naming it after the after the place you first fished with your father. Failing that you could go with 'The Cauvery' if wanting to nod to fishing in India.


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