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And here was me thinking it was summer!  

The manager of our US shop is on vacation for 2 weeks so I decided to come over and sit in our Bozeman office for a few weeks and catch up with friends this side of the pond. Flying into Chicago I have made my way here by road, stopping off and filling my rented suburban with guns. I think my timing could have been better, everyone is away on holiday and July 4th is not the best time for a Limey in Montana!

Whilst here I have managed to pick up some very nice new guns to offer on our website which are being photographed now and will soon be online. I will also be heading down to Twin Bridges to visit Sweetgrass rods who have made my first replica WR split cane rod. I look forward to collecting it and trying it out on a spring creek.

Anyone who would like to catch up whilst I am here, and anyone who has some unwanted guns needing selling please call me on the office number in Bozeman where I will be during the week.

Holland & Holland, Coggan, Royal Deluxe, 28g, shotguns, pair,A Pair of Holland & Holland 28g Royal Deluxe engraved by S. Coggan.

Holland & Holland, 20g, Set of 3, Grifnee, Royal Deluxe,A set of 3 Holland & Holland Royal Deluxe engraved by the late Phillipe Grifnee.

McKay Brown, 410, shotgun, creative arts, pair of guns,A Pair of .410 round body shotguns by David McKay Brown. Creative Arts engraving.


  • carlo pontezi on July 5, 2014 at 9:30 pm

    mr.simon the 2 hollands are sweet eye candy,i am sure they are as good to shoot as they look, i hope to visit Your shop in England some day,and thank you very much for a wonderful blog
    Yours carlo

  • Thierry Bombeke on July 8, 2014 at 10:06 am

    Good luck with the trout and please consider posting a few photos of the fly rod.

    • Simon Clode on July 8, 2014 at 12:10 pm

      The rod and I passed over the Atlantic! Not very good planning, the rod being in Birmingham and me being in Bozeman! Photos when I get back!

  • Jeff Cordell on July 14, 2014 at 6:54 pm

    Mr. Clode first of all you have a terrific site. I'm a police officer over in the state id Idaho and I'm a lifelong gun owner and collector. Colt and Smith & Wesson revolvers mostly. However I'm fascinated by the big African doubles and magazine rifles. I have been for years. A couple of years years ago I was in Bozeman and had the opportunity to visit the shop. However I entered with some trepidation. I had heard accounts from others that the British gun-shops make it very clear that if you can't afford their products you won't be welcomed. I didn't encounter that at all. The staff were friendly and were happy just talking to me. They answered my questions and simply talked to me. Even though I made it clear that wasn't buying. I've never forgotten that visit. Thank you.

    • Simon Clode on July 15, 2014 at 2:50 am

      Thank you for your kind comments. Hopefully one day you will make it over to England and we can give you a real tour and demonstration of building double rifles!

      • Jeff Cordell on July 15, 2014 at 9:07 am

        That would be great. We lived in Germany for three years (93-96) but I never got over to England. I've had the opportunity to tour the S&W factory in Springfield and also visited the old Springfield Armory (which is now a musuem operated by the Federal parks department) which was fascinating as well. We hope to visit England in a few years. I would enjoy touring your factory very much.

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